Monday, January 10, 2011

Da Dong Restaurant

After having cuisines from the West for the past 3 times, its time to return back to some Asian cuisine, and what can be better than the most popular Asian food of all - Chinese food!
Da Dong Restaurant is a Cantonese restaurant with many years of history, and is part of the Fatty Weng Group.

Soup of the Day - Watercress with Pork Ribs Soup ($5/serving)

1 of their specialty - Da Dong Roast Duck ($12 - small)

Butter Prawns ($16 - small)

Yangzhou Fried Rice ($8 - small)

Once you step into a Cantonese restaurant, there are a few staple dishes you have to try in order to gauge the standard of the chef's cooking. Double-boiled soup, roast meats, dim sum (if any) and stir-fried dishes. Any self-respecting Cantonese woman will definitely know how to boil a good pot of soup for her family (ok maybe it doesnt apply to younger women these days who cant even cook a dish properly), as soup has became one of the yardstick dishes to measure any rising Cantonese restaurants. I would say the soup here is not too bad, considering we ordered the most common soup of all, the Daily soup. It is flavourful, but yet has very little MSG, so you will not be left gasping for water after drinking a whole bowl of it. The watercress and pork ribs are also cooked till soft and tender, and you do not need to use too much effort from your gums to chew at all.
As 1 of the famous dishes of Da Dong restaurant is the roast duck, how can i give that a miss? True enough, the duck is meaty and tender. Although it can be juicier, the sauce accompanying it makes up for it by adding the much-welcomed moisture in your mouth while you chew the meat. The only bad thing i can think about, is that towards the end of the plate, i started to feel that the duck was getting a little salty, i don't know why. And when left out for too long, the skin started to get softer and not crispy anymore. The prawns and the fried rice were pretty normal cze char dishes, and nothing to rave about. I think the salad prawns seems a nicer choice for my next visit though.

Lastly, the other famous dish which i didnt get to try, Peking duck!

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