Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ippudo Tao

Ippudo Tao is the 2nd branch of Ippudo Group which was started by Japan's Ramen King, specialising in their signature tonkotsu broth ramen, and injecting the passion of the Ramen King for modernising Japan's traditional cultures. When their 1st branch in Mandarin Gallery first opened, their queues were endless, so i decided to wait till the hype has died down, before giving this infamous Kyushu Ramen shop a shot.

Wall art

Open bar counter

Beef kushiyaki

Tasting kushiyaki - brussel sprout, beef, pork, chicken, bacon-wrapped-asparagus

Honestly, the saltiest kushiyaki i have ever tasted. Really not worth trying again. Nuff' said.

Ippudo Shiro Ramen

Boiled Tamago

Shiro Ramen is Ippudo's original ramen made from tonkotsu broth served with Hakata thin & straight noodles. Soup was pretty flavourful, noodles were cooked just nice. Charshu wasn't too interesting as it was a little on the hard side, but 1 of the nicest part of the ramen is their Tamago (separate order, doesnt come in the basic bowl). Akin to what the Cantonese call 糖心蛋 where the whites are firmly cooked but the yolk is still runny in the middle, i enjoyed this egg a hell lot!

Tao Kuro

A new invention for the Ippudo Tao branch, this ramen rendition consist of thick chewy noodles (think mee pok) in a Shoyu Tonkotsu broth with special blended miso paste and black garlic oil. More flavourful but much oilier and heavier than the Shiro, the noodles are also cooked well enough, and good for eaters with "heavy" palates.

All in all, nothing too fascinating for me, and a little too expensive.

Ippudo Tao
UE Square

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