Sunday, March 27, 2011

Restaurant Week Part 4: Nazt Bistro & Lounge

This new establishment along Club Street may not look esteemingly posh from the outside, and you probably won't expect too much from a "bistro", but this little restaurant was founded by a partnership between a manager which trained under Les Amis & the 1 Rochester Group, and Head Chef Alvin, and aims to cultivate flavours and a service style which is "uniquely theirs".

Restaurant week dinner menu

Complimentary bread with all-so-familiar balsamic vinagrette

Cream of roasted butternut squash

Pretty average, lacking the sweetness of pumpkin soup. Sunflower soups also a little redundant.

Grilled Sea Tiger Prawn risotto

Not nice at all. Prawn is too small, and risotto is not fully-cooked. I couldnt bring myself to finish even half of the small portion.

Pan-fried King Salmon

I don't take cooked salmon, so this main course was for my dining partner. However, it took me by surprise. It was the pinkest cooked salmon i have ever seen, and the meat was cooked just right, with it being totally cooked but still retaining its moistness and freshness. The slightly tangy mango sauce also adds a different dimension of taste to it.

Chargrilled Yorkshire Pork

After trying a bite of the moist cooked salmon, my pork dish pales in comparison. The pork was a little too tough and dry, and i don't taste any hint of raspberry in the raspberry sauce?

Apple fenilles de brick

Loosely translated to "leaves of brick", its actually pastry sheets (the "leaves") wrapped around caramelised apples into a "brick" shape. Served with a fig & honey ice cream, it tastes like a lighter form of warm apple pie filling with cold creamy ice cream. Not too bad, but nothing to wow about.

Other than the salmon, the rest of the dishes are very average and doesnt entice me to come back and try the other dishes.

Nazt Bistro & Lounge
54/56 Club St

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