Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Putien - Revisited

After trying their ala-carte buffet, which is ok only and not very worth the price, i went back again to try their ala-carte dishes from the menu only because i had a return voucher from the previous meal.

"Pu tien" style century egg

Fried eggplant with pork floss

Fried "Hing Hwa" Bee hoon

Chicken cutlet in Fermented Red Rice wine

Stir-fried garoupa slices with rose and champagne

The dishes this time was much better ( dunno if its because we were all very hungry) than the buffet, especially the eggplant dish. I was never a fan of eggplants, but somehow, the combination of fried eggplant plus sweet pork floss is pretty good! The century egg dish was very interesting too, and gave a whole new dimension to century eggs. The rest were not too bad, but nothing very special. The worse dish was probably their so-called famous Hing Hwa bee hoon, simply because there was nothing nice about it.

Putien Restaurant
Marina Square, level 2 (other outlets available)

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