Saturday, July 17, 2010

Jumbo Seafood Restaurant

After walking a round through the row of seafood restaurants at ECP, we decided on Jumbo as we haven't ate here in a very long while. Pardon the bad quality of the pics, as it is shot with my handphone since i forgot to bring my camera out.

Assorted satay

Some new Golden Phoenix dish

which is actually seafood paste under a layer of roasted chicken skin

Pork floss prawns

tastes like wasabi prawns coated with a layer of pork floss, which in turns covers the actual taste of the prawns. not recommended.

Salted egg crab, not too bad.

BBQ fish

Seafood fried rice, too oily.

Generally average quality. Save for their crabs, i think they are not in my top 3 list of good seafood restaurants.

Jumbo Seafood
East Coast Parkway, where all the other seafood restaurants are located

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