Sunday, July 18, 2010

Potion @ Hotel Nostalgia

After watching Michelle Chia introducing this place on Buffetllicious, i was tempted to give this a try for myself. After "advertising" the invitation to join me on Facebook, i managed to get 1 friend who is willing to wake up before 9am on a Sunday morning to accompany on this lazy Sunday breakfast trip.

American Breakfast

Eggs Benedict


Omelette with ham and mushroom

Chicken porridge

The breakfast ala carte buffet didnt have a very extensive menu (there were only 8 items all together), but the quality of the food was pretty decent. Except for the pancakes (which were not warm and fluffy) and the chicken porridge (which pretty much tastes like the $2.50 ones you get in hawker centres), the rest of the western breakfast items were not too bad. And at $18++ inclusive of free flow coffee, tea and orange juice, it is pretty worth it.

Hotel Nostalgia
77 Tiong Bahru Road

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