Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Handburger & Honeymoon Dessert

Don't really feel like writing too much for this, so i'll let the pictures do most of the talking.

The handburger original ($7.80)

Chunky fries

Duck confit burger ($11.80)

Onion Rings

The handburger is slightly different from other hamburgers, as they use a slab of ribeye steak instead of grounded beef. Done medium-well by default (or unless instructed otherwise), it is definitely more flavourful and solid than the usual hamburgers. The duck confit burger is the most special item on the menu, and it is pretty nice and not oily at all. The fries and onion rings are add-ons to the burgers for an addtional $4 each, including a drink.

yes, the local branch of the HK dessert shop

Glutinous rice balls and sweet potato in ginger soup ($2)

Durian pancake ($4.80)

Honestly speaking, its too over-rated...especially the pancakes...i think it is cheaper and more worth it to eat in HK. But once again, if you have a dessert craving and do not wish to fly all the way there, its still acceptable to have it here, just do not eat the pancake.

The Handburger
313@ Somerset

Honeymoon Dessert
313@ Somerset

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