Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This new kid on the block is opened by Mediacorp artiste, Pornsak, who was born in Thailand, so what fits him the most, than Thai food?

part of the menu

a special glass with indentations on both sides so that the glass won't slip out of people's hands

Tom Yum soup with chicken

Thai Green Curry with chicken

Thai Pineapple rice

Thai Glutinous rice with Mango

Generally, the standard of the dishes there are not too bad. The tom yum soup is really hot and sour, without being too overbearing. The green curry is a little milky, but the chicken in both the curry and the soup is very tender. The pineapple rice pales slightly in comparison though, so i feel that plain rice would probably be more suitable (and cheaper) to go with the dishes. The mango with glutinous rice is not too bad too, the mango is not overly sweet or sour, and the glutinous rice balls are warm, and encassed in sufficient amounts of coconut milk.

Probably because of Pornsak's popularity, the restaurant is pretty packed during dinner time, and their reservations are always full. So if you intend to give this a try, i would suggest you reach there earlier than the standard meal times (12pm for lunch, 7pm for dinner) so that you won't have to wait too long for a table.

Porn's Thai Restaurant
Liang Seah Street

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